Gas station: what’s next for the burger petition??

"Citizens’ petition ‘gas station’ – further procedure". This was the only item on the agenda of a non-public city council meeting in marktbreit on tuesday evening.

As reported, in september of this year, citizens from marktbreit had submitted enough signatures for a citizens’ petition for the preservation of the gas station in adam-fuchs-strabe.

In its meeting on 4. October the city council had judged this citizens’ petition as admissible, so the way is free for a referendum. According to article 18a of the bavarian municipal code, this referendum must take place within three months on a sunday, so the latest date for this is the 29th sunday. December. The question of the castle decision is:

"Are you in favor,

1. That the city council resolution of 12. 8. 2013 to abandon the current location of the gas station is repealed and

2. That the gas station remain permanently at its present location?"

According to kerstin ebert, head of the administrative office of the administrative community of marktbreit, the reason for the closed session of the city council meeting on tuesday evening was the discussion of property matters. There were no further details on the background of these land issues from the administration side – however, no decisions were made, according to ebert.

At the meeting, the administration was instructed to prepare a meeting paper on the referendum, which would deal with the details. In addition to the question of the date for a referendum, other questions of article 18a must also be answered, such as the adoption of the petition by the council, or a separate council petition that puts an alternative proposal to the citizens’ petition to a vote. This administrative proposal will be discussed at the city council meeting on 11 march. November, then openly discussed and voted on.

An alternative site for a gas station in the south of the district has now been found near marktsteft (we reported). The approval procedure for the southern access road to the traugraben commercial area is currently underway. In its september meeting, the marktsteft town council approved the building permit for a gas station and forwarded it to the responsible licensing authority, the district administration office.

District office reviews

According to information from ebert, the administration is not currently working on the simultaneously ongoing process to change the land use plan and to draw up a corresponding development plan, as the engineering firm commissioned is drawing up the plan and the district office can approve the filling station as another project in the area of the pit. If this is done, the other procedures will be followed.

The district administration is now examining whether the construction of a new gas station in marktsteft will affect public interests, such as flood protection, environmental protection or nature conservation. Further documents have been requested from the building contractor, projektbau gerlach gmbh. If the authorities’ assessment is positive, a building permit could be issued before the end of the year.

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