The city’s stingy decision pisses off the fire department

At the annual meeting of the unterpreppach fire department, the new elections for the board of the fire department association were on the agenda. Jurgen porzner was elected for six more years as chairman.

The chairman jurgen porzner, reported that the association pays at present 132 members and has two honorary members in its rows. There were four departures and five new entrants.

Commander sven kuhn said in his report that the unterpreppach fire department has 35 active members, four of them female. There are four group leaders, eleven machinists and eight respiratory protection officers. A total of 13 operations were carried out in the past year. Seven performance examinations were held, plus two planning examinations and 17 hours of instruction and training. The respiratory protection ubte nine times. In total, the fire department unterpreppach performed 882 hours of operation and training.

As commandant sven kuhn further reported, the fire brigade was called to two fires, once to a company in knetzgau and once to a smoldering fire in unterpreppach. Furthermore was in the context of technical assistance a tree of the road in the direction of reutersbrunn to remove and in unterpreppach a boiler room after a deflagration was de-smoked.

"In august the gemunder muhle was under water after a thunderstorm. The task of the fire brigade here was to protect the building from further water as a result of heavy rain", according to commander kuhn.

Kuhn regretted that the post of head of respiratory protection is still vacant. As he said, a visit of the state fire department school in wurzburg is planned in 2020, whereby the number of participants has to be limited to 50. There will also be a first aid course.

Municipality in duty

Kuhn criticized the city of ebern for refusing to pay for, or at least subsidize, the repair of a fire truck, and for refusing to cover the cost of meals during a lengthy firefighting operation. This was also the view of district fire inspector (KBI) thomas habermann, who said that mayor jurgen hennemann (SPD), as the person responsible for the city, had thus made decisions contrary to the fire department law. "If there is a blue light on top of it, the city is responsible, and in the case of longer operations, the commander can decide whether to order catering on behalf of the city", so habermann. "What went on there with the refusal of costs for a bread time with a longer employment, I find frightening ", he said.

Chairman jurgen porzner was also critical of the rejection decisions. "Fingerspitzengefuhl" on such matters, city councilor gabriele rogner (CSU), herself a member of the unterpreppach fire department. It was a matter of "respecting the honorary office of the firefighters and not damaging it".

Dieter porzner, jasmin schwengler and carina weingold-schmitt are responsible for the children’s fire department, which currently has twelve members. "Our goal is to explain the tasks of the fire department to the children, to teach them how to behave in emergencies, and also the fun must not come too short", so porzner.

Max deublein, next to lukas heinemann one of the new youth leaders, reported about the work with the fire department youth in the past year. Six active young firefighters worked hard, but also collected christmas trees, took part in a blue-light disco, organized a raffle at the floriansfest and held a tent camp.

The election result

The new election, led by thomas habermann, was well prepared and went quickly over the stage. It yielded the following result: 1. Chairman jurgen porzner, 2. Chairman florian schmitt and treasurer timo engelhardt. He replaces sabine habermann, who had managed the association’s treasury for more than 20 years. Secretary became jasmin schwengler. Jurgen groh and walter steinert were elected as assessors. Cash auditors are burkhard schmitt and robert lurz.

The other members of the board of directors are sven kuhn, commander, dieter porzner, deputy commander, dietmar hau, councilor, and the youth officers.

KBI thomas habermann thanked on behalf of the service supervision for the work of the unterpreppach fire brigade. He went into some operations in which the unterpreppach fire department was involved and said: "that went well, you did a good job." an honorary office must not be taken for granted", according to the KBI.

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